Admissions FAQs

Q: Does MSMHS require an entrance exam?
A: MSMHS does not require an entrance exam. Acceptance is determined through a random electronic lottery process. There are no academic prerequisites for applying to MSMHS: students who are residents of Connecticut at the time of application and are currently enrolled in the 8th grade at the time of applying are eligible to submit an application for the MSMHS freshman class.

Q: Does MSMHS accept applications for grades other than 9th grade?
A:  Each year a small number of sophomore seats for the next school year may be available. An application must be submitted if you applied the previous year as a freshman and were not accepted and are interested in applying as a sophomore for the next year. MSMHS does not accept junior and senior transfer students.

Q: Does MSMHS have an application deadline?
A: Yes. The application period for the 2024-2025 school year is now closed. The deadline was Jan. 12, 2024; we are no longer accepting applications.

 Q: How and where do I submit the application?
A: Applications are completed and submitted on line through the MSMHS website. You will receive a confirmation email from Power School Enrollment when you successfully submit your application.

Q: Does MSMHS offer CIAC athletics?
A: MSMHS does not offer CIAC sports; students generally participate in CIAC sports in their sending district. MSMHS offers a variety of co-curricular club activities that include: Interact, Yearbook, Art, Creative Writing, Photography, Gaming Club, Basketball Club, Unity Club, Book Club, and even Crochet & Crafting!

Q: Can I earn college credit while at MSMHS?
A: Absolutely. MSMHS offers multiple AP and University of Connecticut ECE (Early College Experience) courses.

Q: Does it cost anything to attend MSMHS?
A: There is no cost to attend MSMHS. MSMHS is a public magnet school.

Q: Is transportation provided?
A: According to the Connecticut State Department of Education, Public School Choice, the district where the school is located must provide transportation for resident students. Participating school districts are not required to provide transportation, but many do so. Please check with the Board of Education in the town in which you live to inquire as to arrange/discuss transportation opportunities to MSMHS.


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